Sunday, January 16, 2011

Live Chat (Using Meebo) on the Seoul Gyopo Guide

Meebo is, by far, my favorite IM website
If you are like me, then you have an multiple accounts.  Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, me2day, hotmail, gmail...the list is long, and getting longer.  I have used in order to create one login, and get onto all of my instant messaging accounts at the same time.  Meebo isn't perfect: there are limitations because you cannot login to, for example.  However, Meebo more than does what it says it will do, and makes online life far more convenient.

It Gets Better: Meebo Chat on the Seoul Gyopo Guide
At the bottom right of this blog, I have installed the Meebo live chat widget.  It allows you to ask questions or make comments to the Seoul Gyopo Guide live.  If I am online, that I would be happy to answer, or simply chat.  It does make the blog a little slower, but I am working on that.  If it becomes too slow, then I will have to think of something slightly different.  There are those that have sent me direct questions (thank you), but maybe this is more convenient. 

Come and say hello.


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